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Living Willow Dome/Tunnel -planting/weaving

  • Reciprocity Community Food Forest 211 Browning Avenue Altoona, PA, 16602 United States (map)

Willow Dome/Tunnel planting/weaving workshop with Wildones Non-Profit at Reciprocity Community Food Forest

We will be gathering at our 1.4 acre Community green space with a large bundle of harvested Willow branch “Wisps” or “Live Stakes” that were coppiced or pollard from local Willow trees/shrubs. These Wisps will be soaking in a bucket of water for a couple days until ready to plant. Once the still dormant stakes are pushed into the late winter ground about 6 inches they will then root out into the wet ground with early spring temperatures rising. After pushing the 6 to 10 ft Wisps into the ground in a structurally sound pattern, we will then weave them together in the shape of a tunnel & dome. After the installation days in March are over, we will see the transition the Living Willow dome/tunnel takes as it leaves out and all the stakes that are weaved together with ties, literally bond into one another to create a tight connection.

As this project is a Workshop we will go step by step through the entire process (besides willow coppicing)

Encourage folks to watch Youtube videos on Willow Domes/Tunnels to get a head start on understanding. If we have extra Live Willow stakes we can give them out to members of our Wildones Non-Profit who are interested in doing this project in there own yard!

(We plan on having a Willow Basket weaving workshop over the winter next year.)

Hope you can make it! Email us with any questions -

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