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Rain Garden Native Wildflower Planting with Wildones Non-profit

  • Reciprocity Community Food Forest 211 Browning Avenue Altoona, PA, 16602 United States (map)

We will be gathering at our 1.4 acre Community Green space with 100s of Native perennial Wildflower plugs donated by Ecotopian EarthCare.

A variety of over 10 Native Wetland flower species will be chosen that collectively host blooms from Mid Spring through early Autumn.

We will have a visionary Rain Garden design drawn on laminated paper to follow as a group while we plant. Explanation behind the design and vast information about each individual species / importance and function of Rain Gardens will be shared at this educational/hands on event.

Event is open to public and all official Wildones Non-profit members will be offered free Native Flowers for an at home Rain Garden of their own!

Hope you can make it! Email us with any questions -

March 23

Living Willow Dome/Tunnel -planting/weaving

May 5

Native Plant Sale